Club President, David Doody, welcomed 60 plus members to the club’s annual presentation evening on Saturday, 26th November 2016. Cups, trophies and money were presented to individuals and teams by David Doody and Di Oliver, the club captain. Steve Anyon reported on the state of play regarding the teams situation and captains for the summer 2017 bowling season.
Both the President and Club Captain urged more bowlers to take part in the club competitions in 2017
A raffle was held, with the proceeds going to the President’s charity, ‘Shropshire Blood Trust Fund’ at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital.
Treasurer, Bill Titley, reminded members that the annual club fees are now due and was busy issuing receipts for those who paid during the evening.
A selection of photographs taken by John Williamson and Paul Collier during the evening are displayed below.’
In the light of all her recent outstanding bowling achievements, the President declared that Emma Massey-Jones should be awarded ‘Club Bowler of the Year’ which was unanimously endorsed by all who were present.