You must BOOK A TIME SLOT using the website but if you have any problems or need help please send a text message to STEVE ANYON
If you have booked a slot and need to cancel this again please contact STEVE ANYON But if he is busy you may not get an immediate reply, so please leave a voice mail.
He will need to know the following:
All players who play during this period must be recorded, to enable Track and Trace records to be maintained.
You may only play on the greens if you are a member of the club.
The time Slots will be of 1 hour duration and will start at 12.00 midday (Monday and Thursday),and 10.00am (Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday) the last slot will be 8.00pm so all games are completed by 9.00pm
Note: If you are not working please try and leave the slots from 5.00pm for those that are unable to get earlier.
Only 3 Groups (maximum of 6 persons) will be allowed on each green at any one time to maintain Social Distancing.
A group is 3 persons maximum
Only games of Singles will be allowed with Members of your Household or with one other person. Social distancing must be maintained.
You can practice alone (you will be classed as a group), but there will only be 3 groups allowed on a green.
Once you have completed your session, please depart as soon as you safely can to enable others to access the green.
The clubhouse is locked and there is no access to the toilets. The shelters around the greens are out of bounds and must not be used
Be careful about touching solid surfaces e.g. gates, seating, doors, etc.
Wash your hands as soon as you get home, avoid touching your face and take hand sanitiser with you to use while out if possible.
Please use the Cricket Club Car Park, the Drive has been resurfaced.
Be aware that this guidance could change at any point and could be withdrawn if the risk level increases or if you disregard this guidance.