Sample Text

Club Rules


a. The Club shall be called NEWPORT (Salop) BOWLING CLUB.


a. The objects for which the Club is established are the promotion of participation in the sport of Crown Green Bowls. To afford its members the means of social enjoyment and rational recreation. To raise money for charitable organisations and to hold charitable events.


a.  The Club shall be under the management of a committee, which shall consist of a Chairman, Club Captain, Secretary, Treasurer and nine members, three to retire each year. Five to form a quorum. The above Officers and Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and all must have been a member for 2 years. The Committee may fill any casual vacancy occurring in the Committee, but the person so chosen shall be subject to retirement at the same time as the person whose place he/she is appointed to would have retired. The Members shall elect a President who will serve for 3 years, who will be a figure head for the club. They will not attend committee meetings unless invited, but receive copies of the minutes. They will offer advice and support if requested.

b. The Committee shall be responsible for the Constitution of the Playing, Bar, Greens and House Committee-Sub Committees. Sub-Committees to be appointed at the first Committee meeting after the AGM.

c. The Management Committee shall be authorised to borrow, from time to time, funds not exceeding £20,000 (twenty thousand pounds) on behalf of the Club.

d. No committee member will authorise a contract of more than £1,000 (one thousand) without the authorisation of the Management Committee.

e. The income and property of the Club, whencesoever derived, shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the Club as set forth in this constitution, and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend bonus or otherwise howsoever by way of profit to the members of the club.


a. Four Trustees shall be appointed by the Management Committee.

b. The 4 Trustees duly elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 16th February 2010 are: Mr Colin Rudrum (chair), Mr William Titley, Mr Dale Rudrum and Mr Ian Titley.

c. In the case of a vacancy, the Management Committee will appoint an interim Trustee whose appointment will be confirmed at the next AGM.

d. The appointment of each Trustee to be confirmed at the AGM by a two-thirds majority of those present and who have been a Full Member or Senior Citizen of the club for more than 2 years.

e. A Trustee must have been a Full and/or Senior Citizen Bowling Member of the club for 2 years or more at the time of their appointment.

f. Trustees shall appoint their Chairman from amongst themselves.

g. Trustees may only be removed from office by a two-thirds majority at an AGM of members who have been a Full Member or Senior Citizen Member of the club for 2 years or more.

h. The Trustees shall hold land and property belonging to the club in their name.

i. The Trustees and only the Trustees shall have the powers invested in them to dispose of the Assets (Land and Buildings).

j. Disposal requires the approval of the Management Committee and a two-thirds majority at an AGM or an EGM of members who have been a Full Member or Senior Citizen Member of the club for 2 years or more.


a. The Hon Sec and Treasurer shall be responsible for all books etc, and they shall attend all meetings of the Committee in connection with the club.

b. The Hon Sec shall enter the minutes of the same in the book provided for that purpose. The Hon Sec shall keep a register of the names of all members of the club.

c. The Treasurer shall take charge and be responsible for all moneys received by them. The Treasurer shall balance the accounts at the 30th September every year and shall, when required by the Committee deliver up all monies, books, or any other property in their possession. They shall also make out the annual balance sheet and conduct all correspondence appertaining to the office.


a. The Committee of Management shall appoint a Greenkeeper. If a full time Steward is not engaged then a rota of members shall be appointed as Stewards.


a. Two auditors being members of the Club or a firm of Chartered Accountants which may be decided at the AGM shall carefully examine the books, accounts and transactions of the Club yearly and report the same to the AGM.


a. Membership of the Club shall be open to all persons, irrespective of age, sex, ethnicity, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, religion or beliefs.

b. The members of the Club shall be only such persons as shall on written application be admitted to membership by the Committee of Management. Every applicant for membership shall complete a form stating the applicants name & address and providing for the applicant being proposed and seconded by two existing members, subject to the proposer or seconder being a member of the Committee. Such completed application shall be affixed to the Club notice board for at least seven days before considered by the Committee and in the meantime such applicant shall be entitled to any of the privileges of membership. [Paid staff will be granted Honorary Non-Bowling Membership as long as they remain paid staff.]


a. The annual subscriptions shall be determined by a majority vote at an AGM. Any Member on reaching their 80th birthday becomes an Honorary Member, providing they have been a Member for at least 5 years. Members with 50 years membership and over shall become Honorary Members. This allows them free membership but they can pay a donation if so wished. Family Member’s on reaching the age of 18 years must become members in their own right, and will no longer be entitled to membership on their parent’s subscription. Membership fees must be paid before members are entitled to play on the greens, and in any event must be paid before 30th November each year. Members who have not paid by that date shall cease to be members of the Club and at the Committees discretion will have to reapply for membership. Any increase in members subscriptions passed at an AGM will take effect from the closure of that meeting.

b. Members who wish to participate in [Crown Green] League Bowling must have paid the relevant subscription level and be a member in their own right. [Members who wish to participate in Indoor Short Mat Bowling, Dominoes and Darts Leagues must have paid the relevant subscription level and be a member in their own right.]

c. Distant Members: Any member leaving the Newport district and living over 20 miles from the Club but who wishes to retain membership may become a distant member.

d. Non-Bowling Members: That a member who wishes to become a non-bowling member may do so at a reduced rate.


a. Full Member £36.00

b. Senior Citizen £31.00

c. Junior £10.00

d. Non-Bowling Member £18.00

e. Student Member £18.00

f. Distant Member £5.00

g. Family Membership (2 Adults + 2 Juniors (7-17 years) £50.00


a. The Committee shall have the power to expel any member who misconducts him/herself on any part of the Club premises. Any member expelled from the club shall not be allowed on the greens or premises.

b. The Club will abide by any instruction issued by the BCGBA/SCGBA or any League that the Club plays in, either written or verbal.


Any member wishing to resign must give notice of their intention so to do the Secretary in writing, on or before the 30th September in each financial year. Any member who shall cease to belong to the Club either by resignation, order of the Committee or otherwise, shall have no claim upon, or be entitled to participate in any of the effects or property of the Club, nor be entitled to recover any portion of the subscription which may have been paid.


a. Members and guests of visiting teams shall be accorded the rights of temporary membership during the period of their visit and allowed to purchase and consume intoxicating liquors on the premises.

b. On the occasions that the Club has Entertainment, Club members and visitors will be asked to pay a small entry fee. Non Club members are welcome and on payment of the entry fee will be entitled to purchase and consume intoxicating liquor on the premises.


a. A member of the Club is entitled to introduce guests. No person shall be introduced more than six times during the year. The guests and the member signing their names in the visitor’s book kept for the purpose. Guests so introduced will be entitled to purchase and consume intoxicating liquor on the premises. Visitors shall not be entitled to play in club competitions.

b. On occasions that the members hire the Clubroom for Birthday Parties, Wedding Anniversaries, or other special occasions, the member hiring the room shall be entitled to introduce all their invited guests (up to a maximum of 80 (eighty). The guests and the member signing their names in the visitor’s book kept for the purpose. Guests so introduced will be entitled to purchase and consume intoxicating liquor on the premises.


a. Children over the age of seven are welcome in the Clubhouse and to use the greens. They must be under ‘Parental Control’ or ‘Under the Supervision’ of a senior member of the Club. Persons under the age of eighteen being members of the club or guests are not allowed to purchase or consume intoxicating liquor on the club premises.


a. The Greens Sub Committee shall be responsible for the upkeep of the greens and for deciding if they are fit for play.


a. [The supply of intoxicating liquors may be permitted from (Monday to Sunday 1100-2359, New Years Eve 1100-0100. The opening hours of the Club Sunday to Friday 1100-2359, Saturday 1100-0030, New Years Eve 1100-0100).]

b. Only drinks purchased at the bar are to be consumed on the Club Premises.

c. [Bar staff shall lock the bar and secure the club at closing time. For this task they will paid £5 remuneration each time for duty is carried out. ]


a. A book shall be kept on the premises for the entry of suggestions and complaints, which shall be laid before the Committee, such being signed by the members making such entries.


a. A General Meeting of the members shall be held in 1st week of December each year to receive a report from the Committee of their proceedings and a statement of receipts and expenditure and an Auditor’s report made up to the preceding 30th September, also to elect Officers and Committee and transact all such other business as may be required. Not less than 7 days notice shall be given of such meetings.


a. A Special General Meeting (SGM) of members shall be called by the Secretary at the request of the Committee, or on a requisition signed by at least ten (or such numbers as the Committee shall decide, not exceeding thirty, or 1/5 of the total membership) of the members specifying the object of the said meeting and giving seven days thereof.


a. The quorum at the AGM or any SGM shall be 30.


a. Voting shall be confined to all fully paid up members, excluding persons under the age of 18.

b. If there is more than one nomination for any team Captain and a vote is required, then only those bowlers that were registered to play in that league the previous season are allowed to vote at the AGM for the respective captains.


a. These constitution/rules may, from time to time, be added to, modified or altered by a resolution passed by the majority of the members present at any AGM or SGM. Providing notification of alteration to the constitution/rules be circulated to all members in the notice calling the AGM or SGM. Twenty one days notice of such alteration to the constitution/rules to be given in writing to the Secretary.

b. Amendments to any proposition can be taken on the occasion of an AGM or SGM.

23. BY LAWS:

a. The Committee shall have the power to make and amend such by-laws, as it considers desirable for the running of the Club. Such by-laws shall have immediate effect, but must be submitted to the next AGM or SGM for approval and inclusion in these constitution/rules.


a. If the upon winding or dissolution of the Club there remains, after the satisfaction of all its debts, any property whatsoever the same shall not be paid to, or distributed among, the members of the Club, but shall be given for approved sporting or charitable purpose. The term ‘approved sporting purposes’ shall mean any of the following as may be approved by the members of the Club in a General Meeting or by the members of the Club’s governing body.

b. The purpose of the sport’s governing body for the use in related community sport.

c. The purposes of another Community Amateur Sports Club.

d. The purposes of charity.


a. Should any question or dispute arise, not provided for in the foregoing constitution/rules, the same shall be referred to the Committee and their decision shall be final and binding on all parties.

This constitution/rules was approved by the members of Newport (salop) Bowling Club at the Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 14th February 2017.

President: Mr. D. Doody
President Elect: Mr. I. Titley
Treasurer: Mr. W. Titley
Secretary: Mr. R Mellor


1. Membership shall be available to juniors who have reached the age of seven and shall cease on the person reaching their 18th birthday.

2. The Committee of the Club shall decide junior fees from time to time. On attaining the age of 18 a junior member shall be entitled to full membership.

3. No junior member may play on the greens unless a senior member is present, and in any event whilst the Club premises is closed. Except in the event of playing in a properly organised match.
4. No junior member shall be entitled to access to the Club premises outside normal licensing hours except in the event of playing in a properly organised match.
5. Junior members will not be entitled to a key to the premises, nor must they borrow keys from senior members for any reason.
6. Junior members must not purchase or consume alcoholic drinks, nor must they introduce other people to the Club, or invite anyone onto the Club premises at any time.
7. Contravention of these rules will render a junior member liable to disciplinary action by the Management Committee of the Club.


1. All games will be played in accordance to the British Crown Green Bowling Association Laws of the Game

2. All competitions will be organised by the Club Captain or other person/s appointed by the Committee of the Club.

3. All matches must be played as stated by the competition organizer.

4. Any person failing to arrive on the appointed date and at the time stated shall forfeit his/her game and his/her opponent shall progress to the next round.

5. All singles matches will be played 21 up; Doubles will be played 15 up.

6. The Club Captain shall determine handicaps before the competition commences. When a player has won a competition final his/her handicap shall be reduced by 1, if any subsequent finals are won by the same player their handicap will be reduced by 1 for each final won.

7. The Committee will decide entry fees for the competitions.

8. Only fully paid up members will be allowed to participate in club competitions.

9. The time of the draw for competitions shall be stated on the form inviting entries.

10. The Committee shall decide the prizes.

11. In the event of a dispute the Committee will adjudicate and their decision will be final.


The title in the lands and building is in the names of the four (4) trustees as detailed in the constitution and registered at the Land Registry Office in Telford. The title number is SL210717 dated 02/03/2011.