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Official Opening of the Green

When it was realised at 1 pm that the light but steady rain was not going to ease up for a while, President, Colin Rudrum, armed with umbrella stepped out onto the green to perform the official opening of the new 2012 bowling season. Colin was accompanied by guest of honour, John Breeze the club’s hard working green keeper, who bowled out the first wood in front of a large gathering of members.

A three course lunch, prepared by Faye and the Buffeteers, then followed in the clubhouse and was much enjoyed by the fifty two members present, and still the rain came down. For the following two hours members amused themselves with indoor games, including bagatelle and dominoes before taking part in a Bingo-styled quiz organised by the president and his wife. Cheating with the answers was of little help as the winners had to produce a line with their answers as in Bingo and could be a vertical, horizontal or diagonal line.

An excellent tea of sandwiches, sausage rolls, quiche and assorted home-made cakes was laid on by the Club Ladies at 5 pm and the raffle was drawn. Proceeds from the raffle that raised £70 will go towards the President’s nominated charity which this year is the Alzheimer’s Society. By 6 pm the rain had ceased and the doubles competition for the Geoff Round Trophy, masterminded by Dave Doody the Club Captain, eventually got underway. The winners were Michelle Millward and Jack Anson, who bowled exceptionally well throughout the competition, to beat the worthy runners up, Bill Titley and Steve Anson with a score of 15 – 3.

Just as the finals bowlers came off the green so the rain started once again but by then everyone was past caring and headed for a last drink at the bar. All in all, in spite of the weather, a great day of fun and feasting had been had by all.