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Annual Dinner and Competition Presentation Evening

Newport Crown Green Bowling Club held it’s annual dinner and competitions presentation evening at the Bowling Club on Saturday, 24th October.

Club president, Tony Lloyd welcomed the thirty members to the dinner and gave a resume of the club’s activities through the past year and thanked all those who had contributed to the bowling and club events throughout the year. Tony thanked Faye and her helpers for preparing and serving another excellent meal and club captain Dave Doody for all his hard work in running the competitions through the season.

The Grace was said by a past club captain, John Brisco, from his wheelchair.

Following the dinner presentations were made to the various winners of the 2015 club competitions by the President Tony Lloyd and his wife Audrey.

Mr. Doody explained that there were fewer cups and trophies to be presented this year due to lack of support in some of the competitions from bowling members. He hoped that there would be a greater participation by members in next year’s competions

A raffle was held and the profit of £53 raised will be donated to the president’s chosen charity, Cancer Research UK.